In 2020, Hog Wild Toys had a complete re-brand of their company that I was in charge of and implemented. The goal was to highlight the fun, funky, and functional aspects of their toys to their retailers and consumers worldwide. Everything - including the company colors, fonts, patterns, and tag line - was changed.



At Hog Wild Toys, LLC, I was responsible for all of the photography. This included product photography, lifestyle photography, and any other photography needs that arose from either clients or in-house. I have included some of my favorite shots below.

Lifestyle photography:


Sell Sheets

Part of my job as a Designer for Hog Wild Toys, LLC was to design the sell sheets for all products - especially new products. Sell Sheets were used by the Sales Team to highlight the product’s features, selling points, and key information (such as dimensions). They are typically given out through emails or in-person at events like toy industry trade shows to perspective buyers and current clients. An example of a sell sheet that I designed is below.



Twice a year, Hog Wild Toys, LLC put out a catalog that is sent to buyers and existing clients. The catalog takes about 2 months to put together and is generally around 60-70 pages (not including the front and back cover). My role in the catalog is that I design it on my own (cover to cover), am responsible for all photos taken and photoshopped for the catalog, write all the copy for both products and branding, design layouts and pagination, and that I oversee all aspects of the catalog to ensure that every detail is as perfect as possible and to the printers by the deadline.

Hog Wild Catalog:


WEbsITE Design

In 2021, Hog Wild Toys, LLC decided to update the website for both its own company, and its baby line: Ogobolli. Below are the website designs I created.

Hog Wild Website re-design:


brand book

PRESEntation DesignS

Whenever the company had meetings with clients, retailers, or internally, I was tasked with creating the presentation designs. Here are a couple of the presentation designs that I created during my time at Hog Wild.